Politica de Privacidade

This privacy policy applies to customers who have subscribed to the Orange Top-Up service on recarga.orange.com or Transfert Pays on transfertpays.orange.com from December 13, 2016.

This privacy policy does not apply to third party sites to which recarga.orange.com or transferpays.orange.com refer or sites that advertise on recarga.orange.com or transferpays.orange.com. These third party websites have their own privacy policy that we invite you to consult.

Your Personal Data is collected and processed in accordance with French law “Informatique et Libertés” of 6 January 1978 as amended by the law of 6 August 2004.

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information about you is collected when you register and use the Orange Top-Up / Transfert Pays service, when you send an email, call, or in any exchange with us. When you use the Orange Top-Up services, some information is also collected and may be associated with your personal information, such as the mobile phone numbers associated with the prepaid mobile phone account that you recharge when you use the Orange Top-Up / Transfer Pays Service.

Use of Personal Information

Your personal data is used in the execution of Orange Top-Up / Transfert Pays services (such as orders you place, Orange Top-Up / Transfert Pays bills, verification of your identity, responses to your Requests for assistance).

It is also possible that we will contact you by e-mail or SMS to inform you about the products or services of Orange Link SAS; You may choose not to receive this type of information by contacting us at contact@transfertpays.com

Your Personal Data is collected by Orange Link SAS for the sole purpose of processing your order on recarga.orange.com or transfertpays.orange.com on behalf of Orange Link SAS; They will in no case be communicated to a third party.

To exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion of information about you, please contact us at contact@transfertpays.com


For optimum online experience, on the webpages recarga.orange.com or transferpays.orange.com, your computer, tablet or smartphone must accept “cookies”.

A “cookie” is a small text file that is stored in your system when you visit a website: it allows the site to identify your system whenever you visit that same site. “Cookies” can not run programs or transmit viruses to your system. Additionally, they can only be read by the domain’s web server that has backed them up to your system.

Recarga.orange.com or transfertpays.com use “cookies” to collect information about users and users with an account, in order to improve the Orange Top-Up / Transfer Pays Services. Most browsers are configured by default to automatically accept “cookies”, but it is usually possible to change the browser settings to avoid automatic acceptance and to notify you each time a “cookie” is sent In your system or, finally, to allow you to choose not to receive any “cookie”. If you want to block your browser’s cookies, you can check the help section of your browser for the appropriate instructions. If you choose to refuse “cookies”, you may not be able to access some of the interactive features and features of recarga.orange.com or transferpays.orange.com.

The Orange Link Charter on the protection of personal data and privacy – January 2010 (updated: December 2014)

Orange Link undertakes, within the framework of its activities and in accordance with the legislation in force in France and in Europe, to ensure the protection, confidentiality and security of the personal data of the users of its services, as well as Respect their privacy.

The commitments described in this Charter are in line with the values, principles of action and individual principles of behavior described in the Group’s Code of Conduct and complement Orange’s commitments to the protection of personal data and respect for private life.

In order to ensure their correct application, Orange has appointed a Computer Correspondent and Freedom (CIL), who is a contact person specialized in the protection of personal data, both within Orange, and in its relations with the National Commission of Informatics And the Liberties (CNIL).

  1. Orange Link collects in a fair and transparent manner the personal data of its customers and prospects
    1. Orange Link is prohibited from collecting personal data without informing the persons concerned
    2. Orange Link collects this data to provide the services requested by its customers, to meet the management needs of its customers and its prospects, and to inform them of the use made of it
    3. Orange Link ensures the relevance of the personal data collected in order to better know its Clients and ensure a quality service
    4. Orange Link informs users of the removal of cookies and other tracers on the sites it publishes
  2. Orange Link shall use the personal data collected in the course of its commercial activities
    1. Orange Link ensures the confidentiality of personal data entrusted to it and as soon as the design of services, sites, applications respects the principles of data protection
    2. Orange Link uses the personal data of the customers in order to authenticate them, to provide the service subscribed to them and to offer them offers tailored to their needs
    3. Orange Link communicates the personal data only to its authorized service providers and ensures that they respect strict conditions of confidentiality, use and protection of this data
    4. Orange Link is prohibited from communicating to its business partners personal data without informing its customers and without having offered them the opportunity to exercise their right to object
    5. Orange Link may use data from its previously anonymised Clients for statistical purposes
  3. Orange Link shall take the necessary measures to ensure the security of personal data
    1. Orange Link implements security measures appropriate to the degree of sensitivity of personal data to protect against malicious intrusion, loss, alteration or disclosure to unauthorized third parties
    2. Orange Link guarantees the security of the information exchanged during transactions or payment instruments
    3. Orange Link issues access authorizations to its information system only to those who need it to perform their duties
    4. Orange Link sensitizes its employees to the protection of the personal data placed at their disposal in the course of their duties and ensures that they respect the rules in force and the ethics of the company
    5. Orange Link conducts audits to verify the correct operational application of these rules
    6. Orange Link requires its service providers to comply with its security principles
  4. Orange Link complies with the retention periods for personal data
    1. Orange Link limits the retention of personal data to the duration defined by the law or that declared with the CIL
    2. Orange Link undertakes to delete the data from its databases at the end of this period
  5. Orange Link informs its customers and prospects of their rights regarding personal data
    1. Orange Link informs them of the possibility of exercising their rights of access, communication and rectification of information concerning them and their right to object for legitimate reasons
    2. Orange Link informs them of their right to object to commercial prospecting operations
  6. Orange Link informs and advises its customers to protect their privacy
    1. Orange Link raises awareness among its clients, particularly parents, about the possible risks of information that they make public and that, if misused, could harm their privacy and image (blogs, forums, networks Social, etc.)
    2. Orange Link offers its customers technical means adapted to protect them from possible malicious acts notably through the parental control and the antivirus Orange Link
    3. Orange Link takes measures to limit the intrusive actions of third parties (spam …) and informs on the electronic attacks (phishing, viruses, rapt of information, …)
Orange Link may amend this Charter at any time, in particular because of:
– the introduction of new services or new technologies
– changes in the legislative and regulatory framework

In the interest of transparency, Orange Link invites its visitors to consult this page as often as they want to be aware of any changes.

All our policy and practical advice are available on the website: https://bienvivreledigital.orange.fr/